Press Release / Computer / Convert FDF to XML and PDF/A_3b and Print PDFs with Windows Service in .NET Apps
Convert FDF to XML and PDF/A_3b and Print PDFs with Windows Service in .NET Apps
By johansonkatherine on May 14 2014 | 568 Views
Aspose.Pdf for .NET API has introduced new feature of creating subsequent files with body contents only when converting multi-page PDF to HTML format. Printing PDFs with Windows service, HTML to PDF c
The latest version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET (9.2.0) has been released. Like in the last few releases, the specific focus of Aspose.Pdf development has been towards the PDF to HTML conversion feature. In adding more value to this functionality we have added a new feature: creating subsequent files with body contents only when converting multi-page PDF to HTML format. In order to accomplish this requirement, a new property, HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlMarkupGenerationMode has been introduced. Further details, can be found in the article on the basics of PDF to HTML conversion in our documentation sections.
We received a request regarding printing of PDFs via a Windows Service because System.Drawing.Printing is not supported by Microsoft in a Service. In order to resolve this problem, you need to first convert the PDF file to XPS format using Aspose.Pdf for .NET. Once the PDF file is converted to XPS format, you can use Aspose.Words for .NET to print a document on a server via XPSPrint. HTML to PDF is an important Aspose.Pdf for .NET feature.
In this release, we have introduced a new feature regarding resource loading callback when converting HTML files to PDF format. Over the years, Aspose.Pdf for .NET has proved to be a great API for converting PDF files to PDF/A format. In this latest release, we have introduced the support for converting PDF files to PDF/A_3b compliant format. In order to support this feature, the value PDF_A_3B has been added to the PdfFormat enumeration. FDF stands for Forms Data Format, and an FDF file contains form values in a key/value pair. We also know that an XML file contains the values as tags, where, mostly the key is represented as the tag name and value is represented as the value within that tag. Now, Aspose.Pdf.Facades provides the flexibility to convert an FDF file into XML.
Conversion of XSL-FO files to PDF format using legacy Aspose.Pdf for .NET (the current Aspose.Pdf.Generator namespace) is one of the salient features of our API and many customers are already using this feature. Now we have also introduced this feature to the Aspose.Pdf namespace.
We have introduced a feature that lets you digitally sign PDF documents using time-stamp servers. A new class named TimestampSettings has been added. Also please note that the current implementations of encryption/decryption and hashing functions are FIPS compliant. Along with the above listed features, we have made numerous enhancements to PDF to TIFF conversion, working with annotations, bookmark manipulation, filling forms, PDF to HTML conversion, HTML to PDF conversion, PDF to Microsoft Excel worksheet conversion, adding image to PDF file and much more.The list of important new and improved features are given below:
- Printing PDFs by a Windows Service
- FIPS Compliancy of Aspose.PDF.NET
- XML to FDF conversion
- FO to PDF conversion issue
- Support resource loading callback
- Support the feature to Digitally Signing PDF with Timestamp Server
- PDF to HTML - create subsequent files with body contents only
- Define time stamp servers while certifying the document
- Convert PDF file to PDF/A3
- Support of PDF/A-3B
- Getting PUSH button Action Result Value
- ImportXml forgets the xml attributes (eg: xfa:contentType on images).
- Add a new overloaded method in PdfFileSignature which can accept Signature name and Rectangle object
- PintingPdf document, using PdfViewer, not working in Web application
- FreeTextAnnotation: Rectangle border color
- How to get/set Print Job Owner
- Find the xREF compression used for a Pdf
- GetStringWidth method in new Generator
- Changing Button Caption issue is resolved
- Using q and Q operator causes adobe reader "error exists on this page" is fixed
- Convert HTML to PDF missing table is now fixed
Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Pdf for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Pdf for performing different tasks like the followings.
-Basics of PDF to HTML conversion:
-How to Print a Document on a Server via the XpsPrint API:
Overview: Aspose.Pdf for .NET
Aspose.Pdf is a .Net Pdf component for the creation and manipulation of Pdf documents without using Adobe Acrobat. Create PDF by API, XML templates & XSL-FO files. It supports form field creation, PDF compression options, table creation & manipulation, graph objects, extensive hyperlink functionality, extended security controls, custom font handling, add or remove bookmarks; TOC; attachments & annotations; import or export PDF form data and many more. Also convert HTML, XSL-FO and MS WORD to PDF.
More about Aspose.Pdf for .NET
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