Press Release / Computer / Control Image Quality When Adding Images as Stamp Object in PDF Using Java
Control Image Quality When Adding Images as Stamp Object in PDF Using Java
By johansonkatherine on May 27 2014 | 404 Views
Aspose.Pdf for Java API enables Java Developers to control the image quality when adding images as a stamp object.
The latest version of Aspose.Pdf for Java v9.1.0 has been released. In this release, they have introduced some exciting new features and enhancements which have made this API more compelling. The feature to add an image or text as a stamp in PDF files has been supported by Aspose.Pdf for Java for a while. However, recently they received a requirement to control the image quality when adding images as a stamp object. Please check the code snippet provided on the blog page to know the steps to control image stamp quality when adding it to a PDF document.
Aspose.Pdf for Java supports the feature to add, remove, and delete signatures from PDF documents. While adding a signature to a PDF file, they provide an image for the signature appearance and now Aspose.Pdf for Java offers the capability to read all signature objects and retrieve the images associated with each object.
Bookmarks are one of the important elements of PDF document as they allow readers to quickly move between different pages. Aspose.Pdf for Java has supported features for adding a bookmark, getting bookmarks and deleting bookmarks. Now the latest release supports editing the destination of a bookmark and point it to the start of a page. Or user can set the destination while creating a new bookmark inside a PDF document.
Tables are integral objects when displaying data inside PDF files. Aspose.Pdf for Java supports adding tables to PDF documents. By default, tables are added in a flow layout (top-left to bottom-right). Even if there is a space on the PDF page, user might need to render the table on a new page. To accomplish this requirement, the isInNewPage(..) method has been added to the BaseParagraph class. Aspose.Pdf for Java makes it possible to add text and image objects as well as extracting text and image objects from existing PDF documents. As well as the new features above, this new version includes fixes related to PDF to image conversion, saving PDF files in a particular PDF version, deleting images from PDF files, performance improvements when generating PDF files and much more. Some important new and improved features included in this release are given below:
- PDF Bookmark should point to the start of page
- Save the resultant PDF in particular PDF file version
- Retrieve all Signatures and Images from PDF
- Force table rendering in new page
- Performance of the method
- Concatenating Tagged file results into non-tagged file is fixed
- Aspose.Pdf for Java throws stackoverflow exception if default Locale is other than English is now fixed
- Exception is resolved while removing image from PDF file
- Unable to add digital signature to PDF file is now fixed
- PDF to JPEG –issue with Image Resolution is now fixed
- Black pixels appearance is fixed when adding an anti-aliased transparent image to a Pdf
- Aspose.Pdf attempting to open images in RW rather than RO is now fixed
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Pdf for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Pdf for performing different tasks like the followings.
- Control Image Quality when Adding Image Stamp:
- Extracting Image from Signature Field:
Overview: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Aspose.Pdf is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.
More about Aspose.Pdf for Java
-Homepage of Aspose.Pdf for Java:
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Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465
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