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Press Release / Legal / Law / Consult Defense Lawyer Houston for All Your Legal Issues

Consult Defense Lawyer Houston for All Your Legal Issues

By arricsmith on August 18 2016 | 404 Views

There are many people who take their traffic tickets lightly and try to get out of the case by paying fines and avoid the court case.

The traffic tickets defense lawyer Houston is aware of how important your case is. He understands the gravity of the situation when a person receives a traffic ticket. The defense lawyer of Houston will guide you through the legal hazards and help you to come out clean from the case. If you have received a traffic ticket or if you were charged with a criminal offense or if you have sustained personal injuries or even if you are on the verge of separating from your spouse, the lawyer from Houston will assist and guide you properly. The lawyer would be more than happy to discuss all your legal issues. The dwi dui laws in Houston are very tough and being charged with it is a very serious legal issue. Even the first time offenders are not spared and the consequences can be really severe. The lawyers understands the rights of citizens and will prepare the defense according to your situation. It is important to note that DWI cases are time-sensitive and you must request a hearing within 15 days of the incident. Therefore, the timely intervention of the traffic ticket defense lawyer will ensure that you are not jailed and there is no need to pay fines or fees. The lawyer will try and ensure that your license is not revoked and no personal restrictions are imposed upon you.

There are so many factors that are taken into consideration when you are charged with drug possession. The distinctions are made based on the amount of the drug that was recovered from you as the defendant. If the amount of drugs recovered from you is small, the authorities may ignore the issue as it may be deemed as intended for personal use. However, if you are in possession of large amounts, it may be perceived by the authorities that you intend to sell, distribute or even trafficking. The drug possession lawyer Houston is experienced to handle drug possession case. The lawyer would get into the details and look at various angles. The lawyer will check if the police officer had a strong reason to stop you in the first place. The lawyer will also verify if the police officer who frisked you did that even when you did not pose any kind of threat to the security or safety of others. The lawyer will also check if the police officer searched your vehicle without a probable cause and will also look if the police authorities entered your house without a valid search warrant etc.


2016 Main Street,Suite 102

If you’re arrested on some kind drug related charge then you’re in need of a professional drug possession lawyer Houston to fight against the charges. If you’re located in Houston then here at you can find best drug possession lawyer. To get details, please visit at

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