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Press Release / Industry / Clean Coal Catalyst Formula Offers Fresh Hope for Coals Future

Clean Coal Catalyst Formula Offers Fresh Hope for Coals Future

By Charlles Bohdy on September 21 2015 | 431 Views

With the prospect of ever increasing regulations, the coal industry faces an alarming situation which threatens to spell the end for the fossil fuel that started it all. But new technologies and inn

New York, September 20, 2015 -- With the advent of cleaner and cheaper natural resources in energy production, the demand for the oldest fossil fuel of the planet is increasing while political will against its use is touted by politicians eager for environmental votes. Major coal companies have already expressed concerns over the declining buyer base who prefer cheaper natural gas resources for producing energy than the process-heavy coal. But low efficiency of coal based thermal power plants is just the tip of the iceberg of the numerous issues that threaten the stability of the sector.

Other major factors include strict environmental regulations devised to decrease the number of operating coal mines, green campaigns such as Obamas Clean Air Act that impose a heavy financial burden on operating power plants, and the ever decreasing price of natural gas.

No doubt climate hawks will be rising a glass on the current scenario, but how does it auger for the future of the coal industry, jobs for the middle class, cheap energy prices, and so on? Well experts say at the current state, coal mining may even completely disappear from the charts as early as 2040.

The shifting trend has impacted even the major coal producers such as Patriot Coal and Walter Energy who have filed bankruptcy due to the steep decline of coal consumers. Studies show that the number of operating coal mines has reduced by 40% in the past decade alone. And the EIA reports that the number of coal mines operating in the US as of 2013 were in fact lower than the number of mines operating back in the 1800s when the first electric bulb was being invented.

While a number of old inefficient coal mines are facing closure, even the active ones operate sparingly to muzzle out the fractional demand of the power producers.

While a few coal producers are looking for a quick exit from the declining sector, some see the current scenario as an opportunity to take the lead. Using efficient mining techniques, environment friendly practices, and active research into producing energy efficient coal, existing manufacturers are slowly regaining momentum to get back on pace in the energy sector.

One particular technology thats gaining momentum is the use of Burn Less Coals catalyst to increase the performance of coal used in power plants and also reduce the emissions produced from burning it. By reducing the amount of coal being burned, and burning more efficiently the amount of volatiles produced, are reduced and the overall efficiency of the plant can be increased up to 25% compared to using traditional coal. By generating massive savings for the plants it now becomes possible to fund the installation of a new type of wet electrostatic precipitator technology the provider can offer near zero discharge emissions.

About the Company: is an organization that has been established around a core objective of renewing coals lifespan as a sustainable energy source, and eliminating harmful emissions. Its spray on coal catalyst is a non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-hazardous way of getting your coal to produce 15-25% more energy than it would without it. This catalyst will also help you save costs by increasing energy efficiency.

Charlles Bohdy, Senior Partner
4456 North Abbe Rd #103
Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
Toll Free 844-les-coal
Phone 844-537-2625 or 440-219-1606

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