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Press Release / Education / Children’s Education Funds, Inc. Now Offers Resources for Financing University Education

Children’s Education Funds, Inc. Now Offers Resources for Financing University Education

By funds7 on February 16 2013 | 1497 Views

Children’s Education Funds, Inc. is dedicated to helping parents raise the money they need to put their children through university.

Children’s Education Funds, Inc. is dedicated to helping you raise the money you need to put your child through university. As most persons know, the cost of getting a university education are rising indeed, have been rising for years now. But there is no reason to despair. CEFI helps you take advantage of government schemes such as the Registered Education Savings Plan so that you will have the money to put your child through university when the time comes. We can assist you by providing you with a RESP Calculator and informing you about RESP Rules, among many other things.

There is no time like the present to begin saving for your child’s future. The RESP scheme was introduced to help Canadian parents use the income tax system in a way enhances their efforts to save for their children’s educational future. If you have never hear of this policy until now, do what you can to get up to speed on it; for it is truly one of the great benefits to be taken advantage of by ordinary Canadians.

To be sure, there is much to be concerned about when planning for your child’s education. Tuition rates are not the only things that increase as the years tick by. Transports, books, housing, and the general cost of living are also under tremendous inflationary pressure: which is why it is important to begin the process of growing a fund now before it is too late. An RESP calculator can help you determine how much you need to contribute on a regular basis in order to meet your financial goals. This will help you develop a vision and strategy for managing your finances in a way that will help you afford to save.

It is also important to know the RESP rules. Receiving clear guidance on how the tax scheme works will help you avoid any snags or difficulties when using it to build up your fund. Having this information will also help you maximize the amount of money you will be able to claim as part of your child’s educational fund. Everything matters in this situation. And knowing how the system works in general gives you the best chance to make it work for you in particular.

Canadians who are looking to finance their child’s post-secondary school education should explore the possibilities offered by the RESP. Those who need help to establish and manage a fund can turn to CEFI. We are dedicated to helping parents realize their dreams of getting their children through university. We offer a number of comprehensive plans in furtherance of this aim, and provide information and services related to government tax schemes and grants. If you are looking for the best way to prepare and save for your child’s future education, then you should work with professionals who specialize in such work. Doing so can help you better map out a strategy for sending your child to the center of higher learning to which he or she desires to go.

For more information please visit

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