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Press Release / Education / Challenges Faced By Students During Study Period & Solutions To Cope With Them

Challenges Faced By Students During Study Period & Solutions To Cope With Them

By Akash Paul on August 05 2016 | 199 Views

Survey of Last three years revealed many complex issues & problems faced by the student community during their course of study.

Survey of Last three years revealed many complex issues & problems faced by the student community during their course of study. The various cultural differences across various social strata also determine the approach to studies of students. Students once becoming part of will have much reduced issues with regard to approach to studies, hence lesser hurdles as this platform brings them together & at par with each other. Key issues faced by students during studies are
1. Low Motivation

Low Motivation is one of the biggest problems often faced by students during the course of study. Low motivation may be experienced either due to inability to cope with certain subjects, or undue peer pressure. Other common reasons may include

· Tiredness and stress, with too much to do in too little time.
· Some more interesting stuff grabbing your attention.
· Finding the subject boring & not enjoying studying it.
· Dislike for the teacher of the subject
· Dilution of focus & priorities due to more happening events around.
· Unwell & lesser sleep hours
· Fear Of Failure

How to Win Your Motivation Back?

The easiest strategy to recharge your motivation is to identify & pursue tasks and activities that you really want to do. Pursuing tasks that contribute significantly towards the accomplishment of your goals will dramatically improve your motivation levels.
What are the tactics you can apply to increase your motivation?

The following might also be of interest to you:
§ Most Motivational Songs
§ IncrediblyMotivating Movies Or Games
§ Best Motivational Quotes

2. Too many distractions

There are so many external stimuli, these days that it’s little wonder that many students feel distracted. Social media, friends, phone, television, video games and outings all have a part to play in wreaking havoc on students’ ability to focus on studying. If you feel your productivity is suffering from a multitude of distractions, it’s time to change your working environment to one more conducive to studying

Some of the solutions, helping overcome distractions:

Early bed & early wake up
Every morning give 10-15min to meditate
Eat light at night & milk (compulsory)

3. You have difficulty remembering facts and figures

A common complaint among students at any stage in their education is that it’s difficult to remember all the information necessary for answering exam questions effectively. This is difficult enough when you’re only studying one subject, as at the university, but when you’re studying numerous subjects, as at IAS and A-level, remembering all the facts and figures from each of your subjects can seem a monumental task. Learning things properly in the first place will help in your recollection during exam time, but if you really struggle to retain the necessary information, learning to utilize a few memory aids may help.

4. You don’t enjoy the subjectyou’re studying

If you are not satisfied with what you are studying, it will reflect in all the other aspects of your life. You won’t be happy generally, and it will take very little to upset you. Your moods will change randomly and you won’t be much fun to be around with. This is the result of the frustration and disappointment that continues to build up over time, because something is definitely not right in your life. Is it time to make a change?
A change of mindset will be necessary to overcome this problem. You need to be able to see the bigger picture, and how that problem subject fits into it. Thinking about the importance of studying the subject, and of a good general knowledge, may help spur you on.

5. You lack the right resources

This is arguably the easiest problem on this list to fix. Academic success relies on having access to the right resources, whether that’s the necessary books, equipment, a teacher to talk to, or anything else you need to learn effectively. If it’s books you need, ask your teacher to recommend some, so that you don’t inadvertently take your learning in the wrong direction. Equipment – such as a new laptop, stationery and so on – will be a matter to discuss with your parents. If there’s a compelling argument for investing in new equipment (such as a new laptop, or an iPad), speak to your parents about it and present your case. If you can convince them that these things will aid your studying, you’re in with a chance of persuading them.
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