Press Release / Government / Caritas is able to make the Best of Ourselves in Order to Help the Needy
Caritas is able to make the Best of Ourselves in Order to Help the Needy
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on July 01 2013 | 755 Views
The regional government has received the distinction for his work on behalf of people who go bad
Spain, June 28, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Home, said that Caritas is able to make the best of ourselves to help others. Casero, during the prom event in the center Teresa of Calcutta, stressed that Caritas is contributing to the social cohesion of Castilla-La Mancha and balancing the inequalities that currently exist in society, making an invaluable work, thanks to the solidarity of all citizens of our region.
During the ceremony, Caritas has distinguished all associations, institutions, individuals and companies that have helped the needy, the Supermarket The Store by Francisco Ortiz, Tom-Bike Club, Club Atletico de Tomelloso-Cristobal Moraga, Peña Bullfighting Tomelloso Tomelloso City Council and the Minister of Employment and the Economy, Carmen Home, on behalf of the regional government.
In this regard, Casero has said that, although it is now the regional administration that received this distinction, consider it the great family of Caritas which deserves this award for helping to make people who are suffering, with a halo of hope to move towards the future.
Finally, Casero, who was accompanied by the director of Caritas Tomelloso, Ramón González, the priest delegate of the organization, Antonio López Castro, Mayor, Carlos Cotillas and members of the Municipal Corporation, has insisted that "it is essential that we all continue to work, as we are doing, to improve the quality of life of all Castilian Mancha.
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