Press Release / Government / Business Confidence is Key to Further Boost of Castilla-La Mancha
Business Confidence is Key to Further Boost of Castilla-La Mancha
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on April 16 2013 | 616 Views
The measures taken by the regional government and the efforts of the whole society are serving to boost the productive fabric of our region
Spain, April 15, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the regional government, Carmen Home, said that "business confidence is key to continue to drive growth in Castilla-La Mancha, as is being demonstrated with the latest series statistics ".
During a visit to the company "and Nougat Candy Elisa" in the town of Albacete Hellin, Home has assessed that "since he launched the Education Reform Act, only in our region have made a total of 607,622 contracts, of which 40,445 have been indefinite and 2788 have been supporting entrepreneurs. "
Equally positive are the data for the province of Albacete, where there have been 7,012 permanent contracts, of which, 508 have been supporting entrepreneurs.
In regards to last month, Home also stressed that "only in March there have been 31,738 contracts in Castilla-La Mancha, which is an increase of 6.91 percent compared to 2.08 percent of the average of Spain ".
This same trend is also seen in the higher self to Social Security, where in the last month there has been an increase in 237 new registrants, for a total of 141,877 self.
Casero, who was accompanied by the delegate of the Board in Albacete, Javier Cuenca, President of the Provincial Council, and Mayor Francisco Núñez de Hellin, Manuel Minguez, stressed that companies like the Elisa candies "are an example to follow by everyone in Castilla-La Mancha "
The Minister of Employment and the Economy has been worth it "is a family business that began marketing a candy craft and, over the years, has focused on innovation and break boundaries to begin exporting to the whole European Union and even begin to enter the Asian market. " Currently produces more than 300,000 kilos of sweets and around 100,000 kilos of candies and sweets.
Commercial companies
Meanwhile, Home recalled that "from the beginning of the legislature have created a total of 4,400 commercial companies in our region -971 in the province of Albacete, thanks to the measures taken by President Cospedal and society effort as a whole, "which he says has served for Castilla-La Mancha is the third region of Spain with the highest level of business confidence.
Finally, Casero said that "we are working towards that entrepreneurship permeating society follow the way he’s doing up to now, and help make every day more competitive enterprises has not only in domestic markets but also international ".
Business Confidence is Key to Further Boost of Castilla-La Mancha
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