Press Release / Government / Brussels Highlights Spains Vigilance Regarding Consumer Products
Brussels Highlights Spains Vigilance Regarding Consumer Products
By hemalatha on June 07 2013 | 670 Views
The European Commission (EC) says Spain is one of the countries submitting the highest number of consumer product safety alerts.
Madrid, Spain, June 06, 2013 - The European Commission (EC) says Spain is one of the countries submitting the highest number of consumer product safety alerts.
Presenting these alerts “is a good sign of the level of vigilance”, according to EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, Tonio Borg. The figures come from the 2012 report on the application of the European Union (EU) rapid alert system (RAPEX) for dangerous products. This system allows the authorities of one member state to inform others if they detect any irregularity with a product, enabling precautionary measures to be taken.
Spain (10 percent of alerts), Hungary (15 percent) and Bulgaria (14 percent) head the league table of countries that have issued the highest numbers of alerts about dangerous products. “The number of alerts does not reflect a low level of safety, but rather better use of RAPEX and greater vigilance”, said Borg.
Although the number of alerts issued in 2012 rose by 26 percent with respect to 2011, this shows “greater control in the application of the legislation by the authorities of the EU countries”. However, the EC says further improvement is needed through new legislative proposals regarding product safety and market vigilance.
Data from the annual report show that the main product categories requiring corrective measures to be taken were clothing, textiles and fashion items (34 percent), followed by toys (19 percent).
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