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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Brain Research Behind The Rehab Centers Like A New Day Rehab in Florida

Brain Research Behind The Rehab Centers Like A New Day Rehab in Florida

By yytti567 on October 12 2012 | 307 Views

Find out about A New Day Rehab in all of the brain research that has been done to prove the importance of going to a rehabilitation center.

Just recently, there was new brain research that was done behind rehab centers like A New Day Rehab. This brain research uncovered the importance of finding Affordable Rehab Centers in Florida. Florida Alcohol Treatment Centers are there to provide you with a safe and efficient recovery option. The reason that this brain research helped conclude that these facilities do great things for people struggling with addictions, is because the brain research revealed some of the complex chemical reactions that happen in the brain.

First and foremost, dopamine is released due to your addiction
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that can be found in the reward circuitry area of the brain. Dopamine’s presence happens when you do something that your brain wants to provide a reward for. For instance, if you were to drink a glass of pop, your brain might reward you for this by releasing dopamine. This is how your brain has kept you alive, it keeps you going back to things that are essential for your survival. Dopamine is very highly valued in the body, every time that dopamine is released your brain is going to crave more of it. Dopamine releases happen naturally, such as when drinking liquids or eating foods, but releases of dopamine can also be manipulated as well. This type of manipulation revolves around substances like alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs are known to manipulate releases of dopamine in the brain and when this occurs, more dopamine will be released than can even happen naturally. This causes your brain get severely addicted to the substances that you are abusing. Every time that you stop using this substance, your brain is going to crave those dopamine releases and it will keep you coming back for more.

In order to kick this addiction for good, you need professional help
Training your brain to not rely on these dopamine releases is extremely challenging. It is something that is biologically programmed into your body and it has gotten there through millions of years of evolution. Trying to reverse this complex chemical reaction in the brain is not easy. You have to learn to cope with life and get through some of the problems that you are experiencing without relying on your substance abuse. Initially, your brain is going to react very negatively. Often times, addicts will experience a withdrawal process that is extremely hard. You may experience a headache, fever and flu-like symptoms. These types of symptoms will last until your body is completely over the addiction and has recovered from the withdrawal.

Facilities like A New Day Rehab specialize in helping addicts overcome their addiction and finally learn what it means to live a life of sobriety. The people that you will be staying with within the facility are similar to you. They will likely have substance-abuse addictions that they are trying to recover from as well. You will be surrounded by positive influences, as well as counselors and psychologists that can offer you medical help. This can be incredibly beneficial to your sobriety and it is a necessary step in the right direction.

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