Press Release / Legal / Law / : New Website Offering Free Compensation Evaluation To Victims of the BP Oil Spill : New Website Offering Free Compensation Evaluation To Victims of the BP Oil Spill
By pgoldwing on June 21 2012 | 486 Views
vMany people saw their lives significantly affected by the BP Oil spill tragedy
Many people saw their lives significantly affected by the BP Oil spill tragedy. A new website,, has been created to continue helping individuals decide if they should file legitimate BP claims to recoup compensation that should be due to them because of hardships they suffered.
As with any large litigation, there can be a lot of confusion about how much compensation a person may be due. The owner of the website Mike Felger said: With so many lives being damaged or destroyed by the BP Tragedy, we wanted to give the victims who have suffered a fair opportunity to recoup damages they deserve. Our greatest contribution is through education.
This deepwater horizon oil spill is the worst recorded spill in history in terms of damages done to people, their health and their livelihood. There were so many affected parties by the BP oil spill that it has become difficult for people to get the compensation they deserve, for the losses they have suffered. Thus, according to the creator of the website, that is where comes in, to help guide people through the rough seas of litigation.
The BP Oil Spill began on April 20, 2010, when there was an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform. It killed 11 workers and injured 17 others. The explosion resulted in oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico uncontrollably. These leaks continued to spill their oil into the environment until July 15, 2010. The damages done to the environment and individuals were astronomical.
Massive damages have come from the BP Oil Spill, and the claims are continuing to be filed by companies and individuals seeking fair compensation for the losses they suffered from. Many miles of coastline in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida also suffered significant environmental damage. Many species of wild life were significantly damaged including all types of fish, whales and dolphins. Clearly fishing and shrimping companies too were heavily affected by the oil spill.
The officials at BP have estimated the total cost of the oil spill disaster to be around $42 billion. Many BP settlements have occurred so far with both companies and individuals who were affected by the tragedy. Other companies associated with the oil spill are paying out as well. Cameron International Corp. has paid compensation because of their implication in the disaster. They paid approximately $250 million in payouts in December of 2011.
It is not too late for victims to file a BP Claim and get the compensation that they deserve. They can visit the BP Claims Info website , to learn everything they need to know about their rights. They will be able to get a free case evaluation by filling out the form on the website. Once submitted, qualified attorneys will review their claim and see if there is sufficient evidence to get compensation. If they qualify for compensation, victims will be contacted by lawyers to handle their case.
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