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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Blackburn Group Inc. / MSA, Enterprise Risk Claim Settlement Solutions Receive 2014 A.M. Best Designation

Blackburn Group Inc. / MSA, Enterprise Risk Claim Settlement Solutions Receive 2014 A.M. Best Designation

By Robert J. Blackburn on January 24 2014 | 348 Views

Blackburn Group. Inc. is pleased to announce they have been included in A.M. Best Company’s 2014 directories of recommended Expert Service Providers. A.M. Best Company was founded in 1899 as a full se

Pittsford, NY, USA, January 24, 2014 - The Company believes that the A.M. Best designation is indicative of the recognition of the firm to assist clients in all aspects of enterprise risk management and claim settlement solutions for the self-insurance and insurance industries. Blackburn Group Inc.’s comprehensive Risk, Health, and Claim Settlement Solutions Suite RiskPro® allow the firm to analyze various components of Property, Casualty, Health, and Disability insurance programs in order to maximize the existing resources while minimizing the costs.

In addition to being recognized by A.M. Best Company as a Recommended Expert Service Provider in the Insurance and Financial industries, we have also been recognized in the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Buyers Guide for Enterprise Risk Management and Claim Settlement Solutions. As one of the leading Independent Enterprise Risk Management firms in the country, our practice teams concentrate on hazard, operational, financial, and strategic risks. Our Risk Solutions include Risk Benchmarking, Claim Management, Loss Control, Regulatory Compliance, Claim Auditing, Premium Auditing, Quality Assurance, Insurance Management, Safety Management, Education and Training, Strategic Planning, Business Development, and Underwriting Management.

Robert Blackburn founded Blackburn Group, Inc. in 1991 as a company specializing in marketing products and services for the risk, insurance, and claim settlement solutions fields. At the time of the company’s inception, Mr. Blackburn designed and developed a specialized risk management information system with associated services called RiskPro® to analyze and manage an organization’s operational and human resource risks. Additionally, MSA was founded as a specialized Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) claim settlement solutions professional service and product company to address the needs of Workers Compensation and Liability claims under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) requirements (MMSEA 111). Since 2001, MSA’s primary goal has been to provide high quality, low cost MSA management professional services and products to the nationwide business community. Our suite of products and services include Accelerated Settlement Medical Cost Projection Solutions, Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) Solutions, MMSEA Section 111 Mandatory Data Reporting Solutions, Life Care Planning (LCP) Solutions, Lien Verification and Lien Negotiation Solutions, Structured Settlement Solutions, Custodial Account Administration, Special Needs Trust Development, and associated Financial Planning Solutions.

The company serves self-insured companies, insurers, reinsurers, brokers, captive insurance company domicile managers, actuaries, third party adjusters, nurse case management companies and attorneys. Additionally, we have pioneered the use of technology to simplify the risk and claim management workflow, decrease costs and improve the quality of programs throughout the industry. To support our professional services, our RiskPro® technology solutions include a suite of products and services delivered through applications on Internet-based platforms. Additionally, the platform analyzes and manages over 8,000,000 claims valued at $540 Billion.

Press Contact
Robert J. Blackburn
Blackburn Group, Inc.
1163 Pittsford Victor Road, Suite 120 Pittsford, NY 14534-3891

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