Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Bittorrent Bundle Created for Political Fiction Thriller, “An Involuntary Spy“
Bittorrent Bundle Created for Political Fiction Thriller, “An Involuntary Spy“
By Kenneth Eade on January 07 2014 | 1280 Views
Times Square Publishing announced today that it has published a Bittorrent bundle, containing images, articles, drafts, excerpts, videos.
Los Angeles, CA, January 07, 2014 -- Times Square Publishing announced today that it has published a Bittorrent bundle, containing images, articles, drafts, excerpts, videos and other materials used in the publishing of the best selling controversial political thriller, “An Involuntary Spy,”
“We are happy to be partnering with to provide as much free downloadable material on the book that we can,” said Kenneth Eade, author. “We feel that sharing our materials is the wave of the future in publishing,” he added.
About An Involuntary Spy:
“Kenneth Eade has gone where no man has gone before. He’s made the GMO issue into a spy thriller. Biologist Seth Rogan has discovered that the US Government knows what dangers Genetically Modified Organisms pose to humans. His company has been making insecticide resistant crops in order to sell more insecticide, AgriBusinesses are changing the very nature of our food stuffs in order to produce faster growing, disease resistant, handier to ship crops all to make more money. No one knows the long term effects of GMO’s but they’re doing it anyway. Now Seth has the government reports showing the US has known this all along. He never set out to be a spy, just a good citizen and is now in hiding and on the run to save his life and the information vital to all of our existence.” I Publisher News
“It just could be that this book breaks the real life controversy wide open. There are untold mysteries that may not be known for decades. Altering the foods we eat cannot be done without consequences. If natural is best for human health, GMOs are the worst.” Barbara Stanley, Atlanta Health Examiner
“Adventure, corruption, passion, excitement, and an average guy who never thought his perfectly normal job would get him into so much trouble. What more could you ask for" Ross Winters, Bubblews
“An action-packed political suspense thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Once you start reading it, you won’t be able to put it down, because the amazing writing and the likeable characters will pull you in from the first chapter. There is adventure, romance, passion, and excitement. All these elements turn Eade’s book into a real roller-coaster. Jo Ammons, NY Books Examiner
Seth Rogan was a shitty spy. Actually, he wasn’t a spy at all. Just a guy trying to do the right thing. As a biologist for the largest biotech company in the world, he had a great job, great pay, and thoroughly enjoyed all the perks. But when asked to do some tests on the company’s genetically engineered foods, he became entangled in a trail of corruption and fraud that he wanted no part of, but could not escape from. In a story so true to life it could almost be from today’s newspapers, Seth, having bit the hand who fed him, is on the run from them, and the full overreaching strength of the United States government, as a fugitive, who finds temporary refuge with an old enemy of the U.S. But his peace is about to be broken as he finds himself in the role of an involuntary spy. Trailer:
About the Author:
Best Selling Author Kenneth G. Eade is an international business lawyer, based in Los Angeles, California, specializing in international law, Internet Law, appeals and complex litigation. He is a member of the Bar of California, the federal District Court for the Central District of California, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal. He holds a Juris Doctor in Law from Southwestern University School of Law, and a B.A. in Liberal Studies from California State University, Northridge. He is also an accomplished filmmaker and a freelance writer for the Los Angeles Daily Journal.
A writer of fiction and non-fiction, Mr. Eade is an outspoken critic of genetically modified foods and the overuse of pesticides. Since its publication in September 2013, his book, “Bless the Bees: The Pending Extinction of our Pollinators and What You Can Do to Stop It” has been a best seller.
Kenneth Eade
Times Square Publishing
Los Angeles, CA
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