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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Bay Area Recording Artists Stephen Sea And Tricia Greenwood Release New Duet "Soul Harmony"

Bay Area Recording Artists Stephen Sea And Tricia Greenwood Release New Duet "Soul Harmony"

By Eric de Fontenay on February 12 2015 | 464 Views

Bay Area Recording Artists Stephen Sea And Tricia Greenwood Release New Duet "Soul Harmony"

Soul Harmony, a duet born to be a hit where all ages turn up the volume was released today by award winning singer songwriter, Tricia Greenwood and seasoned producer, composer and musician Stephen Sea. Sea is also the founder of Broadcast Media Tracks LLC.

The song came into existence from a car ride out to lunch with Greenwoods’ friend Michelle Walters explaining that her husband Brandon takes the long way around when missing a cue using a GPS for directions. Greenwood said, "I was inspired with lyrics later that night as I strummed on my guitar singing the line, "I don’t care if you take the long way around, you’ve got the best love I’ve ever found."

"Working with Tricia affords me the opportunity of crafting productions that feature a rich vocal element that I recognized the first time I heard her sing, said Sea. I’m looking forward to working more with her in the future.

"Stephen Sea is an amazing musician and his voice and passion for music is contagious," said Greenwood. "He’s producing my next album and film score for my documentary to inspire others to take risks and make the desires of their heart a reality, because even for baby boomers it’s never too late. "

Stephen Sea’s previous CD release, "Truth to the Rumor" was on the charts for more than two years on over 500 commercial radio stations with his composition, "Paramour de Andrea" remaining on playlists today as a classic. Sea has been serving the commercial broadcast industry with music for film, television, radio and multimedia for 20+ years including: Film Score, Underscore, Sound Design: Buena Vista / Disney, New World Pictures, Universal Films, MGM, 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures and more. Between working with artists in several genres, creating complete rhythm sections and orchestra parts where needed to define their unique voice and style of music to showcase their talent, He’s currently recording a self titled album due to be released in May 2015.

Greenwood grew up in a musical family and has earned her reputation as a songwriter with, "In Heaven 9.11," "Baby, You’re My Valentine" and blues song, "Wanna Feel Your Love" winning awards since beginning her music career in 2003, now with three albums to her credit and a few singles, "Soul Harmony" is her first duet.

"Soul Harmony" is available for download at:
iTunes -
Amazon -

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