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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Barton Publishing Snuffs Diabetes Threat

Barton Publishing Snuffs Diabetes Threat

By diabetesreversedpr on October 31 2012 | 344 Views

There is new hope for diabetes sufferers. All natural remedies without harmful medications, needle pricks and constant worry are now available – but only in Barton Publishing’s

Brandon, South Dakota, January 17, 2012 – For the nearly 26 million diabetics in the US, valuable information on diabetes treatment is now available at The company provides Remedy Reports that are required reading if you’re one of the sufferers of diabetes, pre-diabetes or Syndrome X.

These reports reveal the secrets of how you can stop or reverse diabetes safely and naturally. Considering that about 231,000 death certificates last year showed diabetes as the cause of death, this is breakthrough news for surviving this deadly disease. The company’s special Diabetes Solution Kit contains resources and real-world solutions for diabetes and its related ailments.

Joe Barton, Barton Publishing’s owner and founder, has helped thousands of people with his stellar collection of Natural Remedies. Joe learned early on that traditional medicine often failed to solve health problems, and sometimes made them worse. After seeing the help his father got from a simple natural remedy, Joe wanted to help others feel better and find cures – on the cheap.

He said, “That’s my life mission – to see people healed without watching them drain their bank accounts!”

Joe’s included a Remedy Pledge in the package, to encourage customers to fully commit to a program of natural health and solutions. The joe barton diabetes solution kit review also includes a book of Natural Remedies for Diabetes, a Low Carb Cookbook, and a Resource Guide explaining natural remedies step by step.

Along with many other Remedy Reports on diseases from acid reflux to yeast infections – and everything in between, the Diabetes Solution Kit contains tools to help you manage and keep track of your progress in reversing your condition. A Carb-Counting “Cheat Sheet” makes it fast and easy to figure out how many carbs you should have. Additionally, a grocery list tool simplifies one your hardest jobs as a diabetic – food shopping.

Finally, a Meal and Exercise Planner helps you rebuild your life in the most productive ways to live longer and healthier. The Remedy Reports explain that, while exercise and meal planning are essential to keep clear of blood sugar problems, the plans just don’t need to be restrictive or strenuous.

Diabetes is a disastrous problem in the US that can lead to death. And more people get caught by this disease every year. Medications and rigid lifestyles aren’t the answer for the vast majority of diabetics. Barton Publishing addresses this nation-wide problem with help from Mother Nature and not Big Pharma. And thousands of happy, healthy customers across the US agree and support Joe and his hard work.

About Joe Barton Publishing Company:

Barton Publishing, based in Brandon South Dakota, was founded in 2003 by Joe Barton. Joe put together a team of natural health gurus and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds to help him develop and produce Barton Publishing Natural Health Reports. The Reports clearly show you how to treat and even cure the most common health problems and are available online for a tiny one-time fee. All Reports come with a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee that covers you for a full year after your purchase so there is absolutely no risk for you. Since the company was founded, it has expanded to a world-wide market, and comes with over 10,000 unsolicited testimonials from satisfied customers.

Visit to learn more about their Natural Health breakthroughs. They guide you step-by-step through the facts about diseases and how the Remedy Reports work to keep you healthy for life. Check out all their special, exclusive reports for you or someone you care about today. The Barton publishing diabetes kit are available for instant download or you can get a printed copy sent to your home. Simply put, Barton Publishing makes it so easy and inexpensive to get on the road to excellent health.

Visit for more info :

Barton Publishing
PO Box 50
Brandon SD 57005
Phone (888) 356-1146

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