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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Barber Bill club members get an express checkout especially tailored for their personal use.

Barber Bill club members get an express checkout especially tailored for their personal use.

By martinmiller23 on April 06 2013 | 352 Views

The Barber Bill Club has been created for Blade Mail customers who want to enjoy easy re-ordering and lower prices.
When you buy any pack of blades from the Blade Mail Shave Shop, you will receive an email a few days later with a unique "Barber Bill" lin

The Barber Bill Club has been created for Blade Mail customers who want to enjoy easy re-ordering and lower prices.

When you buy any pack of blades from the Blade Mail Shave Shop, you will receive an email a few days later with a unique "Barber Bill" link. You can use this to re-order blades at any time and from any internet enabled device.

When you click on the link, you will immediately access the Blade Mail checkout with a pack of your blades and a special Barber Bill Club members’ discount already in the shopping basket. You can complete your order in just 3 clicks using PayPal Express or the Blademail checkout.

Blade Mail’s Peter Rainsford explains; "from the very first day of Blademail back in January 2000, we offered a bespoke service for repeat customers. Back then it was a tailor-made, fixed interval subscription service; now, after 12years of refining the service, we have moved away from a fixed interval service and have created a completely flexible service that puts the customer right in the driving seat. It is even possible for a Barber Bill Club member to order blades with one hand while shaving with the other - but we wouldn’t recommend it!

We are proud to announce the launch of the Barber Bill Club which is especially for Blade Mail customers who want to enjoy easy re-ordering and lower prices. We have used 12 years customer feedback to design the features of the Barber Bill Club which I believe is the very best blade service in the market today. Features include:

the blades of your choice
at the time of your choosing, whenever it is
quick checkout including PayPal Mobile and Blademail Log-in
fast, low cost delivery (we only charge for the stamp and the envelope)
suitable for all devices including mobile phones
discounted prices

I was asked the other day how the Barber Bill Club compared to the American "dollar shave club". The dollar shave club offers keen prices for customers who are happy to use non-branded blades, delivered at a fixed interval and pre-paid. Their promotional video has attracted quite a following too!

Here at Blademail, in England, we are a bit more Jeeves-like and the Barber Bill Club has been created for customers who want a personalised service with special prices; for customers who know exactly what they want and wish to order top branded blades; for customers who want to order blades when they need them, any time of day or night, on their phone, pad or laptop; for customers who appreciate being able to save time by using the express checkout."

Blademail are a onestop shaving products shop for Razor Blades and all related shaving products. Check out our website to order today

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