Press Release / Computer / Back to School time: Special offers on Cheap and/or Used Computers
Back to School time: Special offers on Cheap and/or Used Computers
By outlt6943 on September 25 2012 | 453 Views
A large percentage of Canadian and US houses are computerized and are always up grading, Cheap and Used Computers.
It is now a fundamental fact that the world is now driven by Personal Computers. Information Technology and the benefits derived from the explosion of the internet and the user friendliness of Software.
It wasn’t always so. The original computers which were huge machines were programmed in esoteric languages like Assembler, Cobol and Basic. Then the enforced miniaturization required by NASA and the Space program meant the development of the micro-chip. The Americans were quick to exploit the possibilities and the first personal computers were born.
Mr Gates and friends developed an operating system which instructed the computer what to do with what commands, got this included in all PCs being shipped and to this day DOS is at the basis of 75% of all PCs although many may not be aware as it is disguised under Windows which is the program interface between the user and the machines hardware and has made Microsoft the great American Success Story.
Linux based operating systems account for about 10% and the Apple Mac systems account for about 15%.
A fairly rough estimate states that over 70% of US households have access to the internet and most of those will have PCs. In 2009 it was estimated that 62% of Canadian households also had at least 1 PC.
It goes without saying then that people will be continually upgrading, buying new, and trading in old computers that have become outdated for their needs.
And the needs can vary a lot. Gamers need a lot of image processing power and will quite often purchase a new and latest graphics card to improve their gaming experience. Designers need different resources to an accountant to a market trader to give just a few examples.
For the high end running large complex programs requiring a lot of computing power such as simulations (and games) powerful processors and a lot of memory is required. The average user however does not require all that as most of what he is doing is running a word processor, spreadsheet and Internet browsing software package.
But because the trade is so active one is always on the lookout for special deals for Cheap Computers. North America’s largest reseller of cheap and used, refurbished computers and laptops is currently making a very enticing special offers for a Dell desktop tower at just over $100. This includes a Windows Operating system.
There are also a number of other deals to be had on other makes of new computers as well as used computers. Used computers are very good deals as one is often able to pick up a high specification machine with many features in a used computer that has been refurbished at a better price than one could if one was buying a new machine. For more information please visit:
In Canada:
P.O. Box 30285, 123 Rexdale Blvd,
Toronto, Ontario. M9W 0B1
Tel: 416-995-7369
3020 Cemetery Road,
Santa Fe, TX 77517
Tel: 716-304-8502
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