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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Author Writes Book of Proverbs to Guide Others through Life’s Challenges

Author Writes Book of Proverbs to Guide Others through Life’s Challenges

By Lisa M. Umina, Publisher on February 22 2015 | 293 Views

Caribbean Author Lawrence Elliott says you can apply certain Christian principals to your life to overcome any struggle and be successful.

Nassau, Bahamas, February 20th, 2014 -- Caribbean Author Lawrence Elliott says you can apply certain Christian principals to your life to overcome any struggle and be successful. That’s why he wrote a book called, “Practical Proverbs for Everyday Living,” which was recently released by Halo Publishing International.

“You cannot avoid all of the negative situations that come into your life. They are there for a purpose, to help you grow,” says Elliott. “But you can avoid the unnecessary situations that bring pain, regret and despair by practicing the proverbs in this book.”

Elliott says “some of the main areas that people struggle with are home and family; love and relationships; and wisdom and knowledge.” He has dedicated chapters to these areas. Altogether, the book holds more than 300 proverbs, along with his experiences and others that will help the reader to be equipped to live a victorious successful life.”

For example one proverb from the first chapter says:

“A fool is one who becomes aware of God’s plan for his life but rejects the assignment.”

Elliott recalls a time when he rejected public speaking opportunities. It wasn’t until a pastor’s wife called and told him that she prayed to the Lord for speakers for their conference and saw him in a dream speaking at the conference, which caused his heart to change. Elliott says “he finally accepted the invitation to speak publicly.” He continues to speak today at different forums.

“While Elliott’s book is similar to the Book of Proverbs in the Bible,” says Halo International Publisher Lisa M. Umina. “It’s different because it reflects a 21st century version.”

Elliott says there are things that people struggle with that are not in the Bible, such as: cell phones, social media, internet, etc. Some people don’t know how to use these tools in a positive way, but by applying the principals in his book, Elliott believes anyone can overcome life’s challenges.

You can purchase “Practical Proverbs for Everyday Living,” at . It sells for $13.95.

A native of the Bahamas, Author Lawrence Elliott’s passion is to teach the laws of life in a practical way. He volunteers weekly teaching and mentoring junior high school boy’s biblical principals through an organization called Christian Boys Movement. He has also taught “at risk” high school boys the principals of life as well. Elliott hopes to release more books in the future. He lives with his wife, Deborah in Nassau.

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 - USA
+1 877-705-9647

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