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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Author Kerry Pharr Releases “Young Again, How I Reversed the Aging Process, Restored My Health, and Lost 40 Pounds”

Author Kerry Pharr Releases “Young Again, How I Reversed the Aging Process, Restored My Health, and Lost 40 Pounds”

By Kerry Pharr on October 09 2013 | 1213 Views

Individuals struggling to lose weight, restore their health and reverse the aging process will find the latest book by author Kerry Pharr an invaluable guide.

Nashville, TN, October 09, 2013 -- The book details how Pharr, who had always been fit and healthy in his younger years, regained his youth and vigor as he approached the age of 60. Throughout his 50’s, Pharr saw his fitness levels slip and his health deteriorate. As he approached 60 he came to hate his image in the mirror and began to view himself as old, fat and sick. Determined to restore his health and reverse the aging process Pharr began an alkaline diet and a conditioning program based on the best techniques he himself used to train pro boxers.

Within a matter of weeks after implementing this new lifestyle, Pharr discovered that his health issues were disappearing, including seeing dramatic drops in his blood pressure level and his weight. Without setting out to create an innovative new fitness system, that’s exactly what Pharr did and he immediately decided to share his program and his results with everyone facing the same challenges that come from being out of shape and feeling sick.

“Young Again, How I Reversed the Aging Process, Restored My Health, and Lost 40 Pounds” details both the dietary plan and the fitness regime that Pharr used to make major changes in his life. The book is easy to follow and the programs described inside are designed for anyone to use. Pharr uses his own experiences plus scientific research to craft a guide that teaches people how to avoid aging prematurely and even hastening death by making simple lifestyle changes that will also help them lose weight and get into incredible shape.

“Young Again, How I Reversed the Aging Process, Restored My Health, and Lost 40 Pounds” is currently available on in paperback and as a Kindle eBook.

Kerry Pharr
7619 Hwy 70 S #8425
Nashville, TN 37221

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