Press Release / Technology / Asterisk Service Broadcasting Solution Helps to Spread Awareness of Your Business
Asterisk Service Broadcasting Solution Helps to Spread Awareness of Your Business
By sindhav bhagirath on July 23 2019 | 645 Views
Asterisk Service broadcasting solution includes both voice and SMS with a host of configurable options.
Asterisk Service, a division of global VoIP technology leaders Ecosmob, announced broadcasting solution for businesses. According to the company’s VP, “Asterisk broadcasting solution has a number of advanced features to enhance functionality and also make it easy to use.”
The broadcasting solution, according to the VP, is a better option compared to cold calling that can have an adverse reaction. Voice broadcasting, for instance, works in conjunction with programmed IVR script to send out messages and give recipients the option of following key presses according to their interest. There is no need to employ a human agent for cold calling. Asterisk Service broadcasting solution sends out hundreds of concurrent calls to targeted customers at scheduled times. What would take a week is done in less than a half day. In just a few minutes several thousands receive messages about your company and its products.
The company’s broadcasting system can be used in two ways. One way is to send out passive voice and SMS broadcasts to thousands of targets. The other, more interesting and rewarding way is to make it interactive by giving recipients the option to respond. Recipients of a voice broadcast may press a key to talk with a human agent. Those receiving SMS broadcast may respond through SMS or by dialing a number. The broadcast can then become interactive and have much more impact, possibly converting targets into customers.
Creating awareness of business is the first step to driving sales. Traditional channels are becoming more expensive with fewer returns. Even digital channels online simply spread the word hoping customers will find the company in searches. Voice and SMS broadcasting work at a different level by directly targeting prospective customers. One can import contacts, vet them and categorize them before feeding the list to the broadcast system to send out the message. It is a direct and personalized approach. The cost is far less and the impact is much more than what other channels achieve. You can use it innovatively to first introduce your business then follow it up with weekly offers and deals to drive business.
Asterisk Service offers single as well as multi-tenant broadcasting solutions. In case of the latter, it can be used by IT service providers as a way to add to their revenue streams by offering bulk SMS services to customers. Like email, broadcasting can be used to reach out to people anywhere in the world.
Asterisk Service welcomes inquiries from businesses to know how they can implement its broadcast solution to further their growth. Those interested may phone their CSR on 91 79 40054019, 1-303-997-3139 or chat live on
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