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Press Release / Technology / Asterisk Service Announced IVR Complaint Booking System

Asterisk Service Announced IVR Complaint Booking System

By Sindhav Bhagirath on December 05 2019 | 734 Views

It is crucial to resolve customer complaints expeditiously in order to retain their loyalty and for this Asterisk Service’s complaint booking IVR solution is the perfect tool.

Asterisk Service, a division of global VoIP tech leaders Ecosmob, announced IVR based complaint booking system. The complaint IVR solution, according to the company’s VP, will find wide-ranging use across various industry segments, service providers and even government institutions. 

The complain IVR solution, said the VP, is somewhat similar to the company’s automated ticket booking IVR solution in that customers can dial into the IVR and register a complaint by choosing a suitable option. Their complaint automatically goes into the CRM and alerts an agent who calls back to help in resolution should the caller not be able to find a solution through the IVR. 

One of the chief advantages of the IVR complaint system is that it is available 24x7x365. Customers do not have to worry about office timings. Two, it frees up staff members from having to attend to routine complaints and queries. Three, customers receive fast and satisfactory resolutions. The system automatically assigns a ticket to an inbound complaint. Confirmation goes out by SMS and email. The customer is kept in the loop at each stage as the resolution progresses and when the issue is resolved the IVR automatically requests feedback and rating. Further, the system records all such activities and presents reports for analysis. This leads to all round improvements in services and reduction in complaints over passage of time.  

Service providers will find the automated IVR complaint system a vital customer satisfaction tool. Speed of resolution improves and with it the level of customer satisfaction. Governments can deploy complaint IVR systems to attend to public grievances. 

Asterisk Service’s IVR supports SS7, PRI, analog lines, GSM and SIP trunks, links to backend CRM and its menu structure can be customized by users to suit their working environment. The company has incorporated some artificial intelligence and machine learning to make it smart and deliver better service response to customers. 

Consider it as an investment, not an expense. The increase in resolution and customer satisfaction as well as decrease in customer churn will more than repay the investment. Happy customers remain loyal and recommend you to others. The complaint IVR system keeps customers happy and satisfied while giving you intelligence to remove cause for complaints. 

Asterisk Service can customize complaint IVR system to suit specific industry types and arrange a menu structure that customers will like. Plus, they can always talk direct to an agent should there be no self-service option. The complaint IVR can be a stand alone system or it can be part of other IVRs like the Asterisk IVR payment solution. Asterisk Service is happy to provide independent system or integrated complaint IVR. 

Enterprises interested in the complaint IVR solution may get in touch with Asterisk Service on phone 91 79 40054019, 1-303-997-3139 or chat live on 


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