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Press Release / Technology / Asterisk Announced SBC Solution To Prevent Cyber Attacks on VoIP Networks

Asterisk Announced SBC Solution To Prevent Cyber Attacks on VoIP Networks

By sindhav bhagirath on February 28 2019 | 510 Views

Asterisk Service has revamped and upgraded Asterisk Announced SBC Solution To Prevent Cyber Attacks on VoIP Networks.

Asterisk Service, a unit of global VoIP technology and AI leaders Ecosmob, announced a revamped and upgraded session border controller to prevent cyber attacks on VoIP networks.

“We have thought it fit to upgrade and enhance security features in our SBC solution because cyber attacks are evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Older versions are no longer capable of recognizing, let alone handling these new threats,” said the company’s VP. He went on to explain that the best practice for service providers and enterprise is to keep upgrading the SBC solution and assess its performance. However, legacy SBC systems can only recognize threats for which they have signatures. New threats are simply not within the capability of the older session border controllers. This is why Asterisk Service reinforced its SBC with generous amounts of artificial intelligence input by its parent company Ecosmob.

AI and enhanced security configuration in Asterisk Service SBC means that it is capable of handling any kind of cyber attack that may be launched today or any time in the future. Our experts, he said, have included machine learning and capability to recognize patterns that can be termed as suspicious activity. These patterns are flagged and administrators are alerted. The SBC learns from it and with passage of time it can become smarter at identifying such cyber attacks. Legacy SBCs would need staff to monitor and keep track. AI inclusion frees up staff and lets them focus elsewhere while the SBC sits like an impenetrable wall.

Asterisk Service SBC solution is fully capable of recognizing any DoS attack, toll fraud, malformed packet attack, phishing, vishing and topology attacks on the VoIP network. It is the ideal first line of protection against grave attacks like Ransomware. Hackers may develop new ways but they will use fairly recognizable patterns in their attempts and this is where Asterisk Service SBC with artificial intelligence learns to recognize such attempts even if they are disguised. “We have made it as sophisticated as possible, keeping in mind security needs of bulk service providers and carriers,” he said.

Along the way the SBC solution has also gained in terms of features like media transcoding, making it a true state of art internet media server and e-sbc rolled into one. It is the best value for money proposition in the SBC market right now, claimed the VP and offered performance guarantee support to back up his claim. Invoice, statistics, reporting and billing too have received a facelift in this iteration, which is far superior and offered as a hosted solution too, if required or an on-premise solution for those who want tighter control.

Interested carriers, enterprises and VoIP service providers are welcome to get in touch with Asterisk Service by phone on 91 79 40054019, 1-303-997-3139 or chat live on its SBC solution to address rising concerns of security in VoIP networks. The recently launched SBC is tailor made to serve VoIP service providers and carriers and prevent cyber attacks.


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