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Press Release / Technology / Asterisk Announce Hotel IVR Development in 2019

Asterisk Announce Hotel IVR Development in 2019

By sindhav bhagirath on January 31 2019 | 293 Views

Self service is the way to go in hotel and hospitality and IVRs lead the way but even then, Asterisk Service advanced IVR development for hotels can bring about paradigm shift.

Asterisk Service, a division of global VoIP technologies leader Ecosmob, announced availability of custom hotel IVR development services for global hotel chains and hospitality industry. Speaking on the occasion, the company’s VP said, “Asterisk is a part of Ecosmob, a global VOIP and AI technologies solution provider. What this partnership portends for 2019 is intelligent and smarter hotel IVR solutions.”

Asterisk IVR development is miles ahead of the normal tree and branch structure of rather static and limited IVRs that customers find so frustrating. Instead, Asterisk promises technological advancements in its Hotel IVR solutions. Speaking on the possibilities, he went on to clarify just how Asterisk Hotel IVR can be different.

Hotel chains, he said, have branches in many locations and guests from all parts of the world. “Our solution incorporates AI based natural language recognition technology as well as language translation, which means caller can speak in any language and the IVR responds in the same language.”  It is possible to incorporate intelligent chatbots in IVR development to simulate a conversation with a live agent, which is far superior to listening to pre-recorded message and limited options.

However, that is only one aspect of the company’s advanced IVR for 2019. Asterisk can incorporate visual IVR in the IVR for hotels. This means the caller journey is simplified. He sees the branch structure on his screen and can jump straightaway to what interests him instead of navigating labyrinthine menu systems. From finding out information about rooms, amenities and tariffs to bookings, payments and confirmation, the experience is a delight. Once he becomes a guest he accesses the local internal IVR for wakeup reminders, to book a taxi, order a meal or just about any service.

It is possible for Asterisk Service to design IVR for hotels with separate accounting, i.e. multi-tenancy feature but with centralized control. Individual hotels can access their own internal records and have their own accounting and the head office can have main accounting and also handle reports and accounts of its group hotels. The same concept can be transplanted to a hotel booking service that can deploy customized IVR in much the same way.

“We have already implemented our advanced AI powered intelligent IVRs in several hotels and the response has been encouraging. Hotels report that more customers are using the IVR, leaving their staff free to attend to other important tasks. Revenues have gone up and bookings are increasing,” he concluded.

Asterisk Service welcomes inquiries from hospitality and hotel businesses as well as aggregators and hotel booking service providers for its hotel IVR solutions. It will customize IVR to suit the client’s business model and provide full support. Interested parties may get in touch with Asterisk service via live chat on website or phone 91 79 40054019, 1-303-997-3139 for fast response.

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