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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Aspire Products is Thrilled to Welcome Nikki Martin Speech Pathologist as the Newest EMST150™ Distributor Based in Australia

Aspire Products is Thrilled to Welcome Nikki Martin Speech Pathologist as the Newest EMST150™ Distributor Based in Australia

By Gail WIley on July 31 2013 | 1427 Views

Aspire Products, LLC is thrilled to welcome to our team Nikki Martin Speech Pathologist as our newest distributor based in Australia.

Gainesville, FL, July 31, 2013 -- Aspire Products, LLC is thrilled to welcome to our team Nikki Martin Speech Pathologist as our newest distributor based in Australia

A leader in the field of Speech Pathology in Sydney Australia, with expertise in voice and swallowing Nikki Martin will be instrumental in bringing the EMST150™, expiratory strength muscle training system to this corner of the world.

The EMST150 is currently used globally by Speech Language Pathologists and therapists, as well as by athletic trainers, musicians who play wind instruments, and professional voice users looking to increase projection and endurance. Studies show that EMST can improve exhalatory pressure in neuromuscular diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

Nikki Martin CCC-SLP stated:

“As a clinician I have never worked with a device and treatment protocol as effective as the EMST150 for clients with voice, speech or swallowing difficulties. I am thrilled to be bringing the EMST150™ to Australia”

Aspire Products; LLC is looking forward to growing the partnership and establishing a strong presence in Australia with EMST150AU.

To learn more about EMST150 in Australia, people can go to

About Nikki Martin Speech Pathologist:
Nikki Martin has been working as a Speech Pathologist since 2000 and is a Clinical Specialist in voice and Swallowing. She has worked at various teaching hospitals including Royal North Shore, West mead and Concord Hospitals. She has specialized in ENT and Voice/Head and Neck surgery throughout that time. She also has extensive experience in acute adult care including dysphagia (swallowing), tracheostomy and communication (language and speech) assessment and treatment across every caseload (ICU, Respiratory, Cardiology, Geriatrics, Burns).

Nikki currently maintains a private practice at Sydney Sinus and Allergy Centre and at Sydney Voice and Swallowing. Nikki is thrilled to be bringing the EMST150™ to Australia.

About Aspire Products, LLC:
Aspire Products, LLC is a technology transfer company focusing on therapeutic devices targeting cough, swallowing and increased breathing capacity and the maker of the EMST150™.The EMST150™ is the first calibrated expiratory muscle strength trainer designed specifically for individuals who want to enhance their breathing and swallow function. It was created by physiologists who recognized the importance of people with different needs to train muscles involved in their activities and also be able to measure their progress over time. Now those who use the EMST 150 are able to tailor their exercise regime and help achieve results with greater effectiveness and in less time.

For information please visit

Gail WIley
EMST 150
PO Box 12004
Gainesville, FL 32604

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