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Press Release / Technology / ASDF Global Awards V9.0 Final Results Announced

ASDF Global Awards V9.0 Final Results Announced

By Antony Fedrick on December 25 2019 | 602 Views

The 9th ASDF Global Awards 2019 has declared the results of Phase 5 today in a press conference held in Chennai, India. The most awaited results of the ASDF Global Awards are now out by the core membe

December 24, 2019 – The Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties hosts the Global Awards every across the world to identify and markup them into a higher level which could be visualized into a more important standard. The year long’s suspense is now out after various degrees of ascertaining of documentation, qualification eligibility and multiple factors. The narrowing was done at multiple levels bringing out the 11578 nominations to 15.
The Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties (ASDF International), an International Organization fostering Research and Development hosts the Global Awards to recognize people from the micro-level to a greater macro level. This is extended across the Globe to choose the best out of all. The team headed by Dr. Arulmurugan Vadivelu, President of ASDF Global Awards 2019, the outright task began in February 2019 with an open call for the nomination of the ASDF Global Awards.
With back support from Dr. K. Maran, Vice – President – Academics who is the Director of Management Studies of Sairam Institute of Management Studies; Dr. Rajkumar Sugumaran, Vice – President – Industry who is the Senior Advisor of Techno Forum Group and Dr. C. V. Jayakumar, Vice – President – Research & Bodies who is the Principal of Agni College of Engineering & Technology and winner of the Best Dean of the year 2012, the entire process was influentially into the track. In line with the previous years, ASDF has done an extraordinary job of handpicking the right ones on all the verticals. Certain categories were nominated, but on the rigorous process of choosing the right one, most of them were out of the track.
The categories of ASDF Global Awards may comprise the following nominees at the end of the Phase 5 nominations. For the Best Academic Researcher Awards, there are 4 finalists which include C T Manimegalai Murugesan of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India; Sivarajasekar Natesan of Kumaraguru College of Technology, India; Eswari Beeram Hemanth Kumar of Sree Vidhyanikethan Degree College, India; Abhinav Vinod Deshpande Vinod Raghunath Deshpande of Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India.
For the Best ASDF Student Awards, we have Sagar Gawande Mukundrao of Institute of Chemical Technology, India.
For the Best Professor Awards, there are 3 finalists which include Naresh Kumar Samy of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia; Jian Song Zihe Song of Tsinghua University, China and Mahesh Hedau J S Hedau of Shivaji Science College, India.
For the Best Scientific Researcher Awards, there are 2 finalists which include Esakki Muthu S of Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, India and Debnath Bhattacharyya Champa Bhattacharyya of Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, India.
For the Best Lifetime Achievement Awards, we have Arunkumar Gopal of Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India.
For the Best Computer Science Faculty Awards, there are 3 finalists which include J Naren of SASTRA Deemed University, India; Vimal Jerald A of St. Joseph’s College, India and Nidhya R R of Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, India.
For the Best Academic Administrator Awards, we have Amutha Soundrapandian of Suguna RIP V Matric Higher Secondary school, India.
The finalist though will be added into the website for the Hall of Fame had also been personally visited by a committee of the member(s) to validate and ascertain the documents submitted by every individual and institute. Always ASDF Global Awards aim at finding the right person after proper authentication and awarding them. The President of Global Awards has assured that the same trust and reliability of the Global Awards will be the primary motto and the same will be adhered with. These Global Awards has been happening consecutively for the 9th Edition annually.
Widely closing the committee along with the ASDF President (Incumbent-India) Gunasegaran Sengodan gave an open call for all the public to be as a part of this Global Awards and witness the victory of people on 30th December 2019 at Chennai, India. Along with the President of ASDF Global Awards, the Global President of Techno Forum Group S. Prithiv Rajan, Julie Rue Bishop, Daniel James, Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran, Rajkumar Sugumaran, Saikishore Elangovan, Manikandan Ayyapan, Kemplong Municief and other members were present.

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