Press Release / Art & Entertainment / An Underdog’s Tale
An Underdog’s Tale
By Music Dish on April 25 2017 | 316 Views
Interview With Artist Brandon James
Over the years of being a publicist I have had the pleasure of writing press releases and other material for some very talented artists. I have always enjoyed writing for Chicago R&B artist Brandon James. Over time his story has unveiled itself and unraveled within his music. I’ve had the privilege of writing this story and coordinating its delivery to fans and media. It is truly the story of a underdog who against all odds has pursued his dreams and is now watching those dreams come true. Below is a recent interview I did with the artist. Instead of changing it into a standard press release I felt it best to leave it as is.
> Tell me a brief history on your struggles in music.
"When I started out I struggled finding my sound.. I would always compare and contrast my abilities making me hesitant and insecure until one day I got over all that and allowed myself to be myself."
> Tell me a brief history of your struggles in life.
"We all have a story to tell I guess lol. But I had an absent father and a distant mother I learned quickly to motivate myself but through that I became dependent on outside relationships like my friends and teachers.It wasn’t easy and I used to stress so much about my family and social life I would actually start losing my hair. Music became an escape and a focal point which ultimately saved me from a very dark place."
> Why do you or why would you consider yourself a underdog?
"I’ve always felt like I’m fighting for what I want bottom up. Meaning I’ve had to overcome being underestimated, under educated, or honestly just not liked. Struggle seems to have always been a part of my journey."
> So what exactly inspired the song "An Underdog’s Tale?"
"It was an honest picture painted by song of what I felt growing up. I also wanted to provoke and honest response from those who heard it. I believe music should be honest and relate-able."
> How and where was the song recorded?
"Written at home and recorded in the studio."
> What does the song mean to you?
"It honestly means hope.It’s reflective and it’s inspiring to reflect on how far I’ve come in my personal development."
> Has your struggles in music lead you to any joy of success?
"Yes once I allowed myself to be myself I have been able to accomplish so much. Lesson one learned is to get out of my own way."
> What would you say to your fans and people in general about being the underdog?
"Being an Underdog is not necessarily a bad thing. When you fight for what you want victory is way sweeter because you don’t owe anyone anything, be strong keep going."
> What are your plans in music from here
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