Press Release / Computer / AlterNET Extensibility Studio 3.0 released
AlterNET Extensibility Studio 3.0 released
By AlterNET Software on May 25 2018 | 486 Views
Extensibility Studio 3.0 is a major update that brings new features across all our products, as well as installation improvements.
We are glad to inform that the new version of Extensibility Studio 3.0 has been released and available for immediate download.
Extensibility Studio 3.0 is a major update that brings new features across all our products, as well as installation improvements.
Main enhancements include:
Utilizing native Microsoft Code Analysis services to provide code completion capabilities in Roslyn-based parsers.
Improved expression evaluation in Script Debugger.
Support for side-by-side installation for major releases and new installation user interface.
Review highlights of the new version:
If you haven’t had the opportunity to review the list of products and features included into Extensibility Studio we invite you to visit our products
web page:
Download Extensibility Studio to check the latest features:
AlterNET Software