Press Release / Government / All Government Measures aim to Create Employment in Castilla-La Mancha
All Government Measures aim to Create Employment in Castilla-La Mancha
By Consejeria de Empleo y Economia on May 23 2013 | 616 Views
After stabilizing the economy and ensuring basic social services, we focus all our actions in creating jobs
Spain, May 22, 2013 - The Minister of Employment and the Economy of the regional executive, Carmen Home, said today that the Joint Standing Committee on Job Creation and Investment in Castilla-La Mancha "will create synergies and coordinate all actions that are being carried out from the Cospedal Government to ensure that our actions serve to create jobs and accelerate economic recovery in this legislature. " So, reiterated that "all measures are intended to create jobs in Castilla-La Mancha."
During the working meeting was held in the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of the commission, Home has highlighted the work of the Government in the "analysis of the measures are having more impact to implement its action" and of those who "need an adaptation, with the intention that they are effective in their entirety."
The Minister has referred to this second part of the legislature, after the actions that have been taken to ensure basic social services, meet the deficit target and economic indicators begin to show signs of recovery, it is time that "Let us focus together all actions in developing the labor market, to meet our goal of legislature, employment generation in Castilla-La Mancha."
During the Joint Standing Committee on Job Creation and Investment in Castilla-La Mancha, Home has insisted that "thanks to the savings measures we have taken so far, we have managed to have liquidity to offer assistance to the private sector, with which encourage active labor market policy in our region. "
Aid for government job creation
As an example of this aid, Casero recalled the measures implemented since the Ministry of which he owns to generate employment for 94 million euros, in addition to the funds that will increase the Investment Plan and Employment Creation Thanks to funding next European operational program with 2020.
Also referred to the building lines to recruitment, with over 6.7 million euros, divided between the program Duplicate, Duplicate Plus, Merge and Promotion of Contracts with Persons with Disabilities, the Self-Employment Promotion Plan , with programs called Empléate, Tutélate and Consolidate, the Action Plan for Youth Employment, valued at 26.1 million euros, or support measures to small businesses, with a budget of 2.5 million euros, between the many actions that have been taken.
Finally, the minister also valued highly the meeting evaluation of the operational program with Europe, which took place yesterday. "We have been assured that we are the only region in Spain that has earned the honor of being ’confidence region’, by the rigor we have shown in the justification of spending and by the actions that we are developing in order to obtain the greatest possible number of funds to implement themselves, "said Home.
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