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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Alcohol Withdrawal is a SeverelyUnder-estimated Alcohol Side Effect

Alcohol Withdrawal is a SeverelyUnder-estimated Alcohol Side Effect

By effects956 on August 23 2012 | 271 Views

Alcohol withdrawal is widely under estimated by daily casual drinkers as they feel they arent hooked or addicted to alcohol so when they suddenly stop drinking, they hit a wall.

Everyone knows that you should not be an alcoholic because it negatively impacts the daily life of the drinker and his or her family. Nobody said that the path to getting better was easy though. What is less known about alcoholism is that most people who have to give up excessive drinking will mostly likely develop alcohol withdrawal syndrome. If you think you have the syndrome than you should consult a doctor because it is a serious condition.

The main cause of alcohol withdrawal is from giving up excessive drinking; however, the syndrome can lead to other conditions such as: high blood pressure, alcoholic neuropathy, malnutrition, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, alcoholic liver disease, and blood clotting disorders. Therefore, the condition should be taken seriously because it can lead to long term health issues. Nobody wants to see the alcoholic’s situation get worse, so see a doctor.

There is a wide range of symptoms that can affect a person who recently gave up drinking. Some of the psychological symptoms of the syndrome include but are not limited to: bad dreams, shaking, feeling nervous, feeling anxious, fatigue, depression and fuzzy thoughts. The psychological symptoms are: migraines, clammy skin, difficulty sleeping, vomiting, sweaty palms, and an increased heart rate. Going through alcohol withdrawal should be taken seriously because it will take treatment in order to fully recover from giving up alcohol.

The more serious symptoms are: convulsions, black outs fever and agitation. If a consumer who really gave up alcohol is suffering from any of these conditions than they should consult with a doctor immediately. The doctor will be able to assist the former alcoholic with getting treatment for the respective symptoms before they decide to go back to drinking.

When a patient seeks alcohol withdrawal treatment, the doctor will do a physical examination of the patient. During the psychical examination, the doctor will be looking for: liver failure, internal bleeding, rapid heart bear, high temperature, dehydration, rapid breathing and more.

The doctor may have to do a toxicology screening as well as some other blood tests. If the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are several, the patient may have to the hospital in order to get better. The doctor may or may not recommend pills for some of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

The normal treatment for the condition is an alcoholic support group and obtaining a therapist. Most of the time, there has been a big life issue that has pushed the person to drink too much. A therapist can help the patient obtain good ways to handle life’s stressful moments. The patient will start in therapy if they enter into a in-house treatment facility.

To get more information about the effects of alcohol, you can visit the website This website will help you or loved one on the path to recovery. People who are recovering from alcoholism will need a lot of support staying on the right path because no one said it’s easy to give up drinking.

Company: Effects-of-Alcohol
1250 1st Ave Seattle Washington

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