Press Release / Health and Fitness / Alberto Ph Still questa sera al Fotoclub
Alberto Ph Still questa sera al Fotoclub
By john_ortiz35 on October 10 2013 | 355 Views
Conferenza del professionista padovano alla Sala del Quartiere 2 Arcella
Conferenza del professionista padovano alla Sala del Quartiere 2 Arcella
Gli incontri settimanali del Fotoclub Padova con i grandi fotografi proseguono, lasciando spazio qusta sera alle 20.45 alla Sala del Consiglio di Quartiere Arcella in Via Curzola 15, all’ospite Alberto Ph Still, nome d’arte di Ivan Alberto Larosi, fotografo professionista che divide la sua produzione fra l’Italia e l’estero.
Padovano, organizzatore dell’evento aperto a fotografi e modelle Romantic Photo Day, Alberto Larosi si avvicina alla fotografia a met degli anni , dedicandosi professionalmente allo Still Life, la fotografia di oggetti che permette di coglierne ogni particolare, e al Corporate, fotografia aziendale. Rivoltoprincipalmente al mercato aziendale e di contenuti, evitando il privato, il portfolio di Alberto Ph Still include modelle americane, ungheresi, russe e britanniche, con le quali organizza laboratori e seminari. Proiettato sul mercato estero, uno dei pochi italiani iscritti all’albo American Photography Artists. L’ingresso all’incontro libero.
In allegato: Una delle foto di Alberto Ph Still che il professionista padovano presenter stasera al Fotoclub Padova nella sede del Quartiere 2 Arcella per raccontare i segreti del suo lavoro dedicato allo Still Life e al Corporate.
Il mattino di Padova 25/9/2013
Alberto Ph Still tonight at the Fotoclub
A conference held by the professional from Padua at the meeting room of Quartiere 2 Arcella
The Fotoclub Padovas weekly meetings with great photographers continue this evening at 20.45 at meeting room of Quartiere 2 Arcella in Via Curzola 15, with a meeting hosting Alberto Ph Still, the stage name of Ivan Alberto Larosi, a professional photographer who divides his work between Italy and abroad. Organizer of the event "Romantic Photo Day, which is open to photographers and models, Alberto Larosi, from Padua, approached photography in the mid-90s, professionally devoting himself to Still Life, the photography of objects that capture every detail of it, and to corporate photography .Aimed mainly at Corporate, Still Life and Content Production markets, while avoiding the private market; his portfolio includes American, Hungarian, Russian and British models, with whom he organizes workshops and seminars. Projected onto the foreign market, he is one of the few Italians enrolled in the American Photography Artists register.
Admission to the meeting is free.
Attached: One of the photos by Alberto Ph Still that the Paduan professional will present tonight at the Fotoclub Padova at their headquarters in Quartiere 2 Arcella, to describe the secrets of his work dedicated to Still Life and Corporate photography.
Il mattino di Padova September 25th 2013
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