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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Affordable Sedation Dentistry Offered at Melbourne Cosmetic Dental Clinic – Healthy Smiles

Affordable Sedation Dentistry Offered at Melbourne Cosmetic Dental Clinic – Healthy Smiles

By Dr. Ved Berani on October 09 2013 | 1384 Views

Melbourne Dental Clinic Provides a Free Consultation for Patients Seeking Sleep Dentistry

August 6, 2013 – In a tough economy, some consumers are afraid that sleep dentistry may be too expensive. Unfortunately, patients often avoid the dentist if they do not feel they can afford sedation dentistry, fearing the pain and anxiety that often comes with visiting the dentist. Healthy Smiles, the top cosmetic dental clinic in the Melbourne area, provides sedation and sleep dentistry options to patients at affordable rates. This enables patients to afford the dental treatment needed without fear, anxiety or pain.

Sedation dentistry has become a popular, cutting edge option for patients that deal with anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. Healthy Smiles offers this option to patients to ensure each patient gets the dental care they need, free from pain and anxiety. The main goal of this Melbourne dental clinic is to keep each patient’s smile beautiful and healthy. Offering sleep dentistry makes this possible for every patient, even for younger patients that visit the clinic.

Dr. Ved Berani, who is both Healthy Smiles’ principle dentist and its owner, commented, “Healthy Smiles offers safe, effective sedation dentistry as an efficient relaxation method for our patients. All our dentists are well trained and experienced, ensuring each patient has a safe experience when they choose sedation or sleep dentistry at our clinic.” This clinic offers the latest in sedation technology, providing several sedative options for patients, dependent upon the patient’s health and dental needs.

Whether patients are undergoing general dental treatments or cosmetic dental treatments at the Melbourne clinic, sedation may be an option. Patients should discuss this option with the dentist when visiting, especially if they deal with anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist’s office. Dr. Berani offered this advice for patients: “No patient should put off important dental care because they fear visiting the dentist or feeling dental pain during treatment. Sedation dentistry can eliminate anxiety and pain, which results in most patients failing to remember their dental treatment after it’s over.”

Although some consumers may think that sedation dentistry Melbourne clinics such as Healthy Smiles are out of their reach financially, Healthy Smiles works hard to ensure that this option is available to patients at an affordable price. In fact, the office provides payment plan options to patients, making it easier for patients to afford sedation and the dental treatments they require when visiting the office. The clinic also provides a free consultation to patients seeking sedation or sleep dentistry.

To find out more about sedation dentistry or how you can enjoy a free consultation at Healthy Smiles, visit for more information or give the office a call at 03 9877 2035.


Company Name: Healthy Smiles Dental Group

Address: 150 Canterbury Road

Blackburn South Vic 3130

Phone: 03 9877 2035



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