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Press Release / Blogging & Social Media / Affects between china mining machinery and Japanese earthquake

Affects between china mining machinery and Japanese earthquake

By shmily on August 21 2012 | 696 Views

Affects between china mining machinery and Japanese earthquake

Recent years, it appears many disasters. For example, the earthquake not only in Sichuan of China in 2008, but also in Japan this year. Beijing time on March 11,Japanese waters around maizuru, Richter 9.0 magnitude earthquake.By this earthquake is influencing Japan’s heavy industry such as domestic mining machinery. Japan is the important origin of global engineering machinery and the key parts. We think, after this earthquake, thread of nuclear pollution, post disaster reconstruction, inconvenience of transportation, losses of economy and other factors pulled mining machinery needs, which decreased the exports of China mining machinery to Japan. In the short term our country mining machinery industry were negative influence is limited,and post-disaster reconstruction may stimulate Chinas exports of mining machinery. In the longer term, Chinas import substitution space related businesses will increase substantially. Japans earthquake on the negative impact of mining machinery industry, mainly in the supply of spare parts .Consideration of Japan after the earthquake, power rationing policy may affect the capacity of Kawasaki, Kawasaki may give priority to supply its new hydraulic excavator needs. However, sand production line manufacturer in China has basically been with Kawasaki procurement requirements of the contract signed in 2011, in general, hydraulic parts supply will not be much impact on Chinese enterprises. The earthquake relief and reconstruction work, will cause of mechanical demand growth in Japan. In Japanese enterprise capacity under the condition of short-term cannot ascend, certainly will affect the export of related products to China, make the number of Chinese enterprises to gain import substitution space. Now look, domestic manufacturers spare parts stock basic in 2 months,little influence on short-term,But if Japan related companies severely damaged, may restrict productivity release of domestic mining machinery . The northeast factory ofKomatsu Japanese companies by certain influence , but komatsu in changzhou production base still is running well now, was not seriously affected by the earthquake in Japan. Japan is the important origin of global engineering machinery and the key parts.we think, after the earthquake in Japan for domestic mining machinery effects may include: 1) the domestic companies constraints of high-end parts; 2)the influence of global mining machinery supply of Japanese enterprise damaged; 3) Japan post-disaster reconstruction pulled mining machinery needs; Get rotary kiln,ball mill,ball mill From
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