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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Drug Overdose Death Sparks Recovery Questions

Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Drug Overdose Death Sparks Recovery Questions

By Marty Angelo on February 11 2014 | 258 Views

Prison Minister Marty Angelo to all drug addicts and alcoholics: ’You Can Recover’.

Hollywood, CA, February 10, 2014 -- In the light of the recent unfortunate drug overdose death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, prison minister Marty Angelo reminds all addicts today that recovery is possible.

When troubled celebrities bring drug addiction to the forefront in the news, it opens the debate as to why someone uses drugs in the first place, and is it possible to actually beat the addiction.

"Once a person uses a strong substance that is physically addicting there is basically no hope of recovery unless one wants help in order to stop." Marty Angelo recently told a radio audience during an interview with Neil Boron on WDCX Lifeline radio program. Angelo was being interviewed about his open letter he sent to troubled celebrity Justin Bieber prior to Bieber’s arrest in Miami on Jan. 23rd.

"The consequences of drug abuse I expressed in my letter to Bieber are the same for any person whether they are famous or not," Angelo remarked. "Prison, long-term hospitalization, or death are only outcomes. No one is immune.

"There are many reasons why people turn to alcohol or drugs. However, I believe long term abuse will only bring terrible outcomes. It is a sad situation to see it happen all around us today."

Philip Seymour Hoffman now joins the ranks with Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, John Belushi and hundreds more people who have died from drug overdoses. "I am sure none of these very talented and creative people ever thought that dying would be the outcome of their abuses." Angelo stated. "Most addicts never think anything bad will happen to them. We never hear of anyone quitting because someone else died or got carted off to prison or an insane asylum."

Angelo went through years of addiction while working in the entertainment business and paid a heavy price of a sentence to prison for six years and three years of special drug parole for cocaine possession. He states, "There was nothing pretty about my rebellious substance abuse life. The fortunate part is that I did not die of an overdose… though I came very close many times."

Angelo writes about his experiences in his book, "Once Life Matters: A New Beginning", which he donates to prisons, rehabs, and to troubled celebrities. Over 60,000 books have been donated over the last eight years.

Angelo explained during his interview that there is hope for recovery: "First one has to want help, which is a hard battle to fight to convince oneself that help is even needed." Angelo continues. "I never thought I was a drug addict or alcoholic so I never sought out help. I had a sister who prayed for me for two straight years that God would save me. She knew I needed help. I didn’t. Second is finding the right facility that will help bring total deliverance and recovery."

Angelo’s bottom came in the Dade County Jail in Miami Florida in 1980 when the police authorities took full control of his freedom. He began to search inwardly for answers as to why he was sitting in a county jail. Angelo never had the luxury of going to a rehab.

"What addicts need to understand is there is hope for recovery." Angelo stated. "There are two roads to recovery that are offered in today’s world. One is a secular program such as the high-priced 30-day Malibu type treatment facilities which are mainly limited to the rich and famous who have deep pockets and high priced insurance policies. Those programs recovery statistics are dismal… nil to 4%.

The second program one should consider which is very affordable to all is a faith-based program. These programs are usually nine months in a residential facility and the recovery success statistics are a mind-boggling 86%."

Angelo’s question to a drug addict who is a serious seeker of treatment and recovery is: "Which type of program would you rather try… one whose success rate is only nil to 4% or one whose success rate is upwards of 86%? It shouldn’t take a nuclear scientist to figure that one out."

Angelo believes a rich celebrity’s problem is: "Many of them don’t know how to humble on down to reality and realize they are no different than anyone else and they don’t need someone to pamper them with luxurious settings and fancy amenities. Their attitude should really be: ’I will do whatever it takes and I’ll go wherever I have to for however long it takes to recover. I will not leave ahead of time but will give the program a chance to change me.’"

Through Angelo’s 30+ years of experience in prison ministry, faith-based rehabs and with troubled celebrities he has found that there is a void in everyone’s life that can only be filled by God: "The difference between a secular program and a faith-based one is that in faith-based treatment the living God of creation enters a willing addict and starts to change them from the inside out.

"Secular programs basically rehabilitate a person back to when they didn’t use drugs, which to some… is a very scary place to be. Many turn to drugs for various reasons but mainly to fill that void in one’s life. Who wants to go back there and continue to live with a void? I always wanted to a start fresh… to be born all over again … and faith-based treatment offers a total personal transformation that brings hope into reality."

Angelo urges all addicts to seek help: "There is no reason one has to die in their addictions or be carted off to a hospital or prison. I believe there is a better way to live… and I encourage all who are going down the same addicted road many of us have already traveled and found to be a dead end… that real treatment exists… and total deliverance is possible." Angelo has a list of faith-based programs on his website.

About Marty Angelo Ministries, Inc.:
Marty Angelo Ministries, Inc. is an outreach ministry to prisons/jails, substance abuse recovery programs and troubled celebrities.

Marty Angelo
Marty Angelo Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 1146
Frazier Park, CA 9322-1146

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