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Press Release / Health and Fitness / A Book Review Of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear

A Book Review Of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear

By oiich234 on September 06 2012 | 597 Views

A Very Good Book Review Of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear.

A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear at

"Reading this guide is a first step into the rest of your life."

Reviewer: Cheryl Heinrichs, Allbooks Review

Fear is a state of mind or emotion when we sense personal danger. Some people are more prepared than others to rationalize their fears. It can prevent us from harm by removing us from the situation, but can also cause unbearable, immobilizing anxiety. Someone living with fear may make unhealthy life choices because they are afraid that they are incapable of forming a well balanced decision.

The author, Stanley Popovich presents three main principles in this layman’s guide to managing fear:
General Counseling Techniques encourages critical thinking and deductive reasoning. In order to make an informed confident choice, facts must be gathered first, and well researched. One must also factor in the ’what if’ scenarios. Then with common sense reasoning determine what is most important. The reader is enlightened by the examples used of ’John and Mary’s’ unpredictable situations.

Non-Resistant Methods of dealing with fear is more of a defensive approach. We all have ’triggers’ that bring on anxiety and it is important to recognize them, not allowing ourselves to be ruled by them.

Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Belief in faith can provide a powerful foundation for problem solving.

FEAR is an introduction for readers who yearn to control their negative reactions. Stanley Popovich provides basic but exceptionally valuable steps in learning how to personally manage negative situations. Along with detailed stories the reader is provided with websites dealing with fear, twelve pertinent suggestions and several Biblical scriptures that provide support. As the title suggests, it may be used as a guide and empty pages are provided for your own notations.

Stanley Popovich has used his writing skills, analytical talents, interviews and diligent research in an attempt to educate readers. He was educated at Pennsylvania State University and has used these approaches in his own life.

I am no stranger to fear. In the past I had allowed myself to become controlled by it. Through reading, research and my physician’s advise I learned that there are many courses to take pertaining to the subject. I have completed several, adding a new confidence to my life. One is unable to enjoy a fulfilling life when fear is ever present. For more information please visit Stan’s website at

Reading this guide is a first step into the rest of your life.

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