Press Release / Education / 2nd World Congress and Exhibition on Construction and Steel Structure
2nd World Congress and Exhibition on Construction and Steel Structure
By Nikita on February 19 2016 | 449 Views
2nd World Congress and Exhibition on Construction and Steel Structure’ during September 22-24, 2016 in Las Vegas, USA
The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, to attend the upcoming Steel Structure 2016 USA Congress at Las Vegas. As such, I would like to offer you and your colleagues the opportunity to share your research based on your current research interests.
Steel Structure 2016 conference will make the perfect platform for global networking as it brings together renowned speakers, researchers, business persons across the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event filled with much enlightening interactive sessions, world class exhibition and poster presentations. Advances in the field of Construction and Steel Structures are one of the crucial factors in the economic prowess of the developed countries. Also for the developing countries, adoption of innovative construction techniques and various versatile steel structures is paramount for advancement of their economies.
Steel Structure 2016 is an excellent platform to discuss critically important research and to intensify collaborations and scientific research. To know more about the conference, kindly visit:
Should you accept our invitation we request you to kindly send us your abstract. Our speaker slots are closing and hence we request you to kindly avail this opportunity to share your scientific excellences and be a part of expert gathering at Las Vegas, USA.
Kindly register for the conference as early as possible by following through:
Looking forward to hear from you.
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