Press Release / Industry
Protect Your Homes from Mold after Flooding
September 03 2015
After incurring the wrath of unforgiving rainstorms this summer, America is still putting back the pieces of the lives of ordinary citizens. Dozens of lives were lost and billions worth of property, |
Top Ten Steps To Build a New Mold-Safe Home, Recommends Industrial Hygienist Phillip Fry
September 02 2015
Professional Industrial Hygienist Phillip Fry suggests top ten steps necessary for building a new mold-free home or commercial building. |
Don’t Buy an Oakland County Home Without Mold Inspection, Recommends Enviro Hygienist Phil Fry
September 01 2015
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry suggests that home buyers engage professional mold inspection and testing before buying a home anywhere in Auburn Hills, Berkley, Birmingham, Farmington |
Enviro Hygienist Fry Suggests Criminal Prosecution of Mold Offenders for Reckless Endangerment
August 30 2015
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry advocates that mold offenders such as real estate sellers, realtors, management companies, lenders, landlords, and employers who knowingly sell, rent. |
Fire, Wind, and Flood Disaster Restoration Firms Ignore Mold Problems, Warns Enviro Hygienist Phil Fry
August 29 2015
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry explains that many fire, wind, and flood water damage and disaster restoration companies ignore mold growth infestations in their cleanup and restoration |
ABL Technology Announces New Release of Its Homogenizers for Dairy Farms
August 28 2015
ABL Company manufactures of milk processing and packing equipment for meat, milk, vegetables and fruit. Recently, the company announces Homogenizers for Dairy Farms. |
Mother Natures Fury Results in Bacterial and Mold that Cause Big Problems
August 24 2015
With the highly-unusual sporadic flooding across the nation, America has been gripped with fear of a repeat of the 1976 floods that left hundreds dead, and thousands homeless. |
Fry Enviro Hygienists Find Dangerous Toxic Mold Growth Inside Grand Rapids, Michigan, Rental Home
August 23 2015
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry announces that his mold inspection firm EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, discovered high levels of health-damaging, toxic mold growth |
New Clean Coal Catalyst Helps Coal Companies Meet Tough New Obama Guidelines
August 21 2015
After the emergence of commercially viable alternate-energy solutions, coal has increasingly come under fire for leaving a huge carbon foot print on the earth. This criticism has led many to believe |
Hygienist Fry Warns about Fire & Health Risks of Raccoon Infestation of Homes & Other Buildings
August 20 2015
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry cautions homeowners and commercial building owners about the fire and health dangers of raccoons living in houses, workplaces, and commercial buildings. |
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